The News 4 & Fox 11 Team spoke with long-time Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center (SMRMC) registered nurse, Tamara Erickson, on Thursday morning about her experience amidst the Coronavirus pandemic.

Similar to other nurses in the northern Nevadan region, Erickson said there are frustration and confusion among staff at SMRMC.
"I think there is an awful lot that could be done right now for the nurses to prepare them. More so than what we have. Including honest communication from management, getting told different things on different days it’s not exactly a surprise but knowing what changed to make those differences we don't get," Erickson said.
We have not spoken with other SMRMC nurses, but Erickson said the concerned nurses are well aware of the shortages and the fluidity that comes with their environment. She contends that this is why the staff needs to be given specifics when it comes to plans and SMRMC's stock of supplies and equipment.
"I understand they believe they are going by CDC guidelines and if that is indeed the case then we are at a crisis point as far as equipment goes and that is disconcerting. So be nice to know why two weeks ago we could not wear basic simple surgical masks on the floor, whereas now we are mandatorily required to wear them," said Erickson.
Furthermore, Erickson said that nurses are misinformed on SMRMC's parent company's, Prime Healthcare Services, quarantine reimbursement plan.
"Right now they’re saying we will look at it on a case-by-case basis," she said. "I’ve read the information that says they will only pay us 48 hours while we are off waiting for the test results if we get tested...We need to know that we are not going to be punished for doing the job that we are trained and willing to do in the case and need you are exposed and put into quarantine."
The News 4 & Fox 11 Team reached out to SMRMC about Erickson's concerns, here is a response from their Chief Nursing Officer, Krystal Flaniken:
Saint Mary’s first priority is to the safety of our staff, providers and visitors. Our PPE guidelines follow those set out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). On March 20, 2020 our state agencies placed us on an immediate activation of Crisis Standards of Care. This is defined as a “substantial change in the usual healthcare operations and the level of care it is possible to deliver (justified by circumstances) and formally declared by a state government in recognition that crisis operations will be in effect for a sustained period.”
“To be responsible stewards of safety and resources Saint Mary’s designated COVID-19 units and Emergency Room staff are using N-95 masks and PAPRs in conjunction with isolation and droplet precaution protocols to ensure the risk to staff in those areas are minimized. Staff providing care to patients outside those designated areas are following the surgical mask use recommendations as social distancing during bedside patient care is not possible. Keeping our staff and patients as safe as possible during this uncertain time is our priority. It is critically important to follow these guidelines to ensure critical supplies remain available for when the hospital experiences the surge of patients that is expected in the coming weeks.
“Unfortunately, during this unprecedent pandemic recommendations and guidelines are often changing weekly. This may appear to staff as confusing and stressful; however, Saint Mary’s strives to be transparent and timely with staff in communicating these changes and feel it is important for their safety as well as best care to patients.”
The News 4 & Fox 11 Team followed up that email asking for specific numbers on SMRMC's mask situation and clarity on Prime Healthcare Services' quarantine reimbursement plan, but we have not yet received a response back.