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Suburban Community hospital is designated a Heart Failure Center by The Joint Commission.

Heart Failure
Clinical excellence combined with respectful delivery of state-of-the-art care defines Suburban Community Hospital’s Heart Failure program. Our Heart Failure team is comprised of board-certified physicians, nurses, therapists, and social workers—offer an integrated approach to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of and education about Heart Failure.

Suburban Community hospital is designated a Heart Failure Center by The Joint Commission.
When patients display Heart Failure symptoms, early diagnosis and treatment are crucial. We are focused on providing rapid diagnosis using the treatment and guidelines developed by the American Heart Association Get With the Guidelines-Heart Failure program to treat Heart Failure patients when they are admitted to the emergency department, winning the Heart Failure Gold-Plus Award.
During and after a hospital stay we provided or connect patients with services needed to begin their recovery and make continued progress. We offer:
  • Heart Failure education for patients and their families to help them understand Heart Failure signs and symptoms, medications, and the importance of daily weights, and prevention.
  • Clinical Pharmacists for patients and their families to help them understand the importance of medication compliance.
  • Nutrition services to help patients make positive lifestyle decisions.
  • Social work services to help patients and families cope with change.
We also help patients improve their health through smoking cessation, weight management and exercise, and managing diabetes and cholesterol levels.

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